Day 5
Monday, June 26, 2023
How do we center joy in our classrooms and curricula?
Key Readings
Muhammad, G. E. (2023). Unearthing joy: A guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. Scholastic. [Chapter 2]
Christensen, L. (2009). Introduction. In Teaching for joy and justice: Re-imagining the language arts classroom (pp. 1-13). Rethinking Schools.
Cunningham, K. E., & Enriquez, G. (2022). Planning for Book Joy: Reconceptualizing Power in Literacy Instruction. Language Arts, 99(3), 192-194.
Griffin, A. A., Crawford, A., Bentum, B., Reed, S., Winikur, G., Monea, B., Rosser, B., Thomas, E. E., & Stornaiuolo, A. (2023). Towards a jazz pedagogy: Learning with and from jazz greats and great educators. Excellence and Equity in Education, 1-14.
Additional Readings
Muhammad, G. (2023) Cultivating Genius and Joy with Gholdy Muhammad. YouTube.
Rosser, B. (2023) Written literacies & joy, episode inspired by the work of Dr. Gholdy Muhammad. AERA Writing and Literacies SIG. YouTube.
Ginwright, S. (2018). The future of healing: Shifting from trauma informed care to healing centered engagement. Medium.
Searching for Examples of Agency, Resistance and Joy in the Weitzman Museum
Seeking Out Multiple Perspectives in a Text Set About Philadelphia's Chinatown and the Proposed Sixers Arena
Summarizing Perspectives and Organizing Them in an Atwoodian Table
9:30 - 9:45
Welcome, Reviewing Reflections, and Checking in on Agreements
Welcome to the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History!
In pairs, review reflections from Day 4 and discuss what stands out.
9:45 - 10:00
Take a Line for a Walk: Unearthing Joy
Select a phrase or opening to a sentence from chapter 2 of Unearthing Joy. Write it in your journal. Use it as inspiration to starting writing your own sentence, paragraph, essay...
Taking a line for a walk is a low-stakes way to encourage writing.
We also used a whip around routine to share our inspirations for writing.
10:00 - 11:30
Searching for Agency, Resistance, and Joy in the Museum
Today's focus question: How do we center agency, resistance, and joy in our classrooms and curriculum?
As you move throughout the museum, reflect on examples of agency, resistance, and joy. Jot down notes in your note catcher.
Also, take some photos of examples that you would be willing to talk about later.
11:30 - 12:15
Journal Groups
12:15 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:45
Reflecting on Examples of Agency, Resistance, and Joy in the Museum
Share and reflect on examples we found in the museum. Add photos to this Padlet.
Analyze poster of Miss Rose Schneiderman. Here's a resources with the poster image.
Check out resources from the Only in America collection.
Listen to and reflect on music (and examples of restorying) in a Jewish American History Month performance.
1:45 - 2:30
Civic Argument Writing with Text Sets: Road Rules and New Sixers Arena
Supported by a grant from the Library of Congress, PhilWP teacher consultants have developed curriculum resources for supporting civically engaged argument writing.
Check out two examples of text sets and argument writing routines that Javaha has developed and used with students.
For more support on creating your own text sets, sign up for the NWP Teacher Studio and join "Deeper Dive: Creating a Text Set."
2:30 - 3:00
Prepare Readings for Day 6:
Muhammad, G. E. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic. [Chapters 7-8]
Graff, G., & Birkenstein. (2021). They say, I say: The moves that matter in academic writing. 5th ed. W. W. Norton.
Harris, J. (2017). Introduction. In Rewriting: How to do things with texts (pp. 1-13). University Press of Colorado.
Try This Low-Stakes Writing Activity: “Take a line for a walk”
Undated posted advertising lecture by Rose Scheiderman
Padlet: Photos from the museum with our reflections on agency, joy, and resistance
Street scene, Philadelphia, PA. c1897
Atwoodian table
NWP Teacher Studio Deeper Dive: Creating a Text Set
Resources for supporting civic argument writing about Philadelphia Chinatown and the proposed Sixers arena
Searching for primary sources from the Library of Congress